tutorials and gallery visits
October 3rd - Peter October 10th - Virginia October 11th - Print Workshop/Kath October 23rd - Marcia Ovtober 26th - Gary (dissertation)...
theory and context 3
"Painting is just another way of keeping a diary." - Pablo Picasso Most of the time I do not like to explain my work or how I was...
theory and context 2
"It doesn't matter how the paint is put on, as long as something is said." - Jackson Pollock Sometimes I throw, drip or flick paint at my...
theory and context 1
“If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing.” - Marc Chagall I find that when I spend too long...
Sarah Pickstone
I am especially drawn to the work of Sarah Pickstone because of the colours she uses and how she paints with acrylic and mixed media to...
John Armleder
There are similarities between the work of John Armleder and that of my own, because of how we both use a wide range of mediums...
Gerhard Richter
Because of the way that Richter solely focused on the process of applying paint to the surface his pieces, and the way that the thick...
Julian Brown
When looking at Julian Brow's work I was initially drawn to his colour palette because of the selection containing numerous bright...
Morris Louis
After reading that Morris Louis very rarely spoke to anyone about his work, and kept it extremely separate from his family life, I became...
Cy Twombly
Cy Twombly has been useful with helping to develop my project because of how his work is a reflection of his surroundings when he lived...