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Louise McClary

Louise McClary is a Cornish Contemporary painter who's work is in the abstract impressionist style. She is inspired by elemental areas, especially the Lizard Penninsula in Cornwall where she lives and her works are made up of a strong mix of colour and line. She also manipulates the size and scale of her subjects, for example peripheral objects are minimised whilst the areas she sees as important are emphasised, which creates contrast and tension within her pieces.

She often works on linen rather than paper or canvas and also uses acrylic paints, Through looking at Louise McClary's work we can see that her paintings show a whole new side to the landscapes that many will overlook.


A quality of innocence and wonder pervades McClary’s work. Her paintings ask us to marvel at the beauty of the world and to see miracles in the everyday; they also ask us to enter them like children, open to the impossible. Anatomical accuracy is set to one side, as McClary paints from the inside out, from internal emotions to external reality, using the simplified graphic codes of childhood: an oval for a head, an almond shape for an eye, a bow for a mouth, ten lines for fingers and ten for toes. As the layers of learned technique and artistic convention are peeled away, the viewer is left with an image more primal and essential, a glimpse of a reality that is not our own"

- Louise McClary: Landscapes of Love, Richard Davey

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