My Shaun Project Space Crit
Mid November time it was my turn to exhibit and present my work to my peers along with two other students from the class. This was an exciting yet nerve-wrecking chance for me as apart from end of year exhibitions i had never been able to display pieces of my work, especially ones that weren't classed as "final pieces". I got to choose several pieces of my work that I had worked on throughout the semester to display in order to receive feedback, tips and opinions from my fellow students and tutors. as well as having to think about how i wanted to display my work on the walls, i also got to view my work in a larger space rather than just in my studio space or the corridor. i decided to choose a selection of work that did not necessarily 'flow' into the same ideas or styles because i was working on two separate ideas. I chose to show 9 pieces of work overall; 4 A5 size animal watercolour paintings, 4 A5 size abstract/minimalist paintings and then 1 larger A2 size abstract expressionism painting. this is because I was eager too see what my peers thought about my mixture of styles. Although we ran out of time during the session to get many opinions of my project it was nice to hear supportive and positive things about my paintings, such as the smaller abstract paintings being described as aesthetically pleasing because of my choice of colours and the fluidity and texture created from the application of the paint. There were also comments about the change of style as others realised i had stepped outside of my comfort zone and away from abstract painting with my animal paintings. these comments from my peers helped me to realise that i don't necessarily need to just have one idea to work with and that i can combine two ideas and styles and still have a strong project that i am fully invested and interested in.