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abstract background paintings

I produced these abstract expressionist paintings because i wanted to experiment with different painting processes. some were worked on whilst fixed onto my studio walls so that the wet paint would drip downwards on the composition; making you follow it with your gaze as to explore the whole painting. these pieces remind me of weather and clouds in the sky as though it is a rainy day. I also make this resemblance because of the paler and duller colours used compared to my previous brighter and busier paintings. i really enjoyed creating these because it was calming and simple yet combined with the more violent flicks of paint i feel like these pieces could be used as background layers for future paintings where there would be other elements added to create foregrounds.

the first few paintings showed in the selection of photos were all produced whilst the pieces of mountboard were placed on the floor and i then dropped and flicked acrylic and watercolour onto it. before the pieces had dried i also rotated and lifted the pieces as to manipulate the paint and make it drip and also smudged and blended areas with water and a clean paintbrush.

these pieces rem,ind me of the work of Dani Schafer because of the relations to the influences from nature and the environment, the 'wishy-washy' affect of the watercolours and the way in which she manuipulates the paint onn the canvas. also there are relevant links to Jackson Pollock because of the similarities in painting processes including having the canvas on the floor and how i applied the paint through dripping and flicking the paint from above.

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