Jackson Pollock
Jackson Pollocks paintings really draw you in and make you visually explore them but the part which really interests me is the way in which he actually creates his paintings. Pollock is an action painter and this process has a lot more to it than simply putting paintbrush to paper.
The way in which he applies the raw materials to the canvas involve him laying the canvas down flat on the floor rather than on an easel or wall. He would then drip the paint onto the canvas from above or from around the edges. this creates the splatter effect that we can see in his paintings. As well as this technique, he would also use an array of tools to manipulate the paint as to add depth to the paintings. some of the tools he used included knives, trowels and sticks. This style of action painting is also referred to as being similar to performance art because of the way in which the artist unleashes emotions and acts freely. my work relates to Jackson Pollocks because i use similar techniques to apply paint to my abstract paintings, e.g. referring to the dripping and flicking of paint as well as painting on the canvas whilst it is on the floor.